
Net zero by 2035? Paris aligned by 2050? How does your organisation’s investment policy compare to others?

08 February 2023      Matt Sisson, Projects and Membership Manager

This blog from Cazenove introduces their investment survey - the results of which will be shared (anonymised and aggregated) at the Finance Festival in March. 

Find out how your organisation’s policies and practice compares to the rest of the sector by completing this short survey – it only takes a few minutes. The deadline for submissions is 27th February. 

Universities are crucial in the fight against climate change - cultivating the next generation of policy makers and innovators; researching and creating solutions; leading the way and informing the rest of us.

But what climate commitments have other Universities and HEI’s made so far and do they have a plan? Do targets include endowments and investment portfolios?

There are four actions that investors have at their disposal when aligning portfolios with broader climate targets:

  1. Avoid: disinvest from the most carbon intensive assets
  2. Influence: engage with companies to push for a more sustainable pathway
  3. Invest: direct capital towards companies providing positive climate solutions
  4. Offset: use carbon offsets

Tracking progress and transparent reporting on your underlying investments is crucial. How can organisations do this in practise?

Our research will explore the University sector’s current net zero commitments, attitudes to incorporating investments in climate related targets, the barriers and the effective strategies already being employed. We’ll provide practical advice on how Universities can transition their investment assets and track progress towards net zero, whilst maintaining the financial returns the finance teams rely on.

But we need your help to make the report as representative as possible, so please spare five minutes to add your voice to our research.  The results should be fascinating and will support conversations on how to align your organisation’s investments with your wider ambitions.

We welcome responses from all University and HEI committee members and staff. All respondents can choose to remain anonymous and we’ll be presenting the results at the BUFDG finance festival on 13th March.

Thanks in advance for your time and help in sharing this survey. Please get in touch with Emily Petersen on or 020 7658 1138 with any questions.

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