

Resources, special interest groups, guidance and more.

Tax Conference 2024

The 2024 BUFDG Tax Conference was held online from 11-13 June. We had lots of great sessions, and the recordings are now available to members who registered for the conference. 

BUFDG Tax Conference 2024 - Recordings

A BUFDG Guide to UK Universities and Tax

This document provides a high-level overview of the many areas where tax impacts on UK universities, looking at taxes relating to people, income, and expenditure.

Download the BUFDG guide

TaxHE Newsletter

The must read newsletter for all things H E tax related.

Browse the newsletter

Tax Resources

We have various tax resources you can access including guides, flowcharts, webinar recordings, presentation slides, updates from professional firms, newsletters, consultation responses, and more.


Tax Resources by Tax-type


Here you will find the resources can be broken down into more sub-categories, such as Education, Trading, Import Duties, Property / Construction, Research, Accommodation, Overseas Trading, Making Tax Digital, Partial Exemption, Capital Goods Scheme and Reliefs.

Browse VAT resources


Corporation Tax

Here you will find the resources can be broken down into more sub-categories, such as Making Tax Digital, Trading, Overseas Trading and Reliefs.

Browse corporation tax resources


Imports and Exports

You can find all sorts of resources to help with import and export issues including a Customs Procedure Codes guide, Rule of Origin guidance, webinar recordings, consultations and more.

Browse import and export resources


Taxing Digital Services

The growing trend for taxing electronically supplied services (including online learning) around the globe is causing headaches for H E Is, but our resources can help, including a regularly updated spreadsheet setting out the headline information in individual countries.

Browse taxing digital services


Employment Tax

Here you’ll find resources on different employment tax subjects including payment types, expenses and benefits, national minimum wage and more.

Browse employment tax resources


Employment Status

With employment status causing issues in H E, our resources include guidance on off payroll working, training, common roles in H E, and a more tailored employment status tool.

Browse employment status resources


Global Mobility

With more H E Is than ever discovering employees working overseas, we have a number of helpful resources including presentations, webinar recordings, guides and more.

Browse global mobility resources


Overseas Tax

H E I s are expanding activities and students into more and more territories around the world, so we have commentary and guidance regarding the most common overseas tax questions and issues.

Browse overseas tax resources


Find resources on everything else tax-related here, including excise duties, rates, construction industry scheme and more:





What members are talking about

We have an active member-only discussion board which is dedicated to tax. so you can see what members are talking about.

Visit the tax discussion board

Tax Group

The Tax Group is one of the busiest groups in BUFDG, dealing with a wide variety of issues for all taxes. The group works actively with HMRC to discuss both operational issues and strategic matters through regular update meetings and specific issues meetings.

Find out more about the group

Payroll and Employment taxes Group

A forum to share knowledge and ideas, and also to understand specific issues affecting HEPs within payroll, expenses and benefits, National Minimum Wage and individuals paid outside of the payroll.

Find out more about the group

Future Tax Events


HMRC webinars and e-learning

Sign up for alerts here


Latest Tax News

Recent BUFDG consultation responses and submissions

BUFDG's submission to the 2025 spending review, and response to the consultation on the OfS Strategy 2025-2030.

Highlights (or lowlights?) from the PEG meetings

Summary of discussions and main points from the November/December Payroll & Employment tax Group meetings held in-person across the regions.

Employer NIC protections and 'exemption'?

Discussion of the additional funding from the Government for certain public bodies, including the NHS, to cover the rise in employer NIC in April 2025.

More tax news


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