12 July 2024
Amanda Darley, Head of Operations and Engagement
The final version of the USS Pension Deficit Modeller for 2023/2024 is now available here.
Due to the deficit recovery contributions ending in December 2023, this modeller provides the calculation for the unwinding of the pension liability, split between interest payable and staff costs. The discount rate to be applied should be the rate used at 31 July 2023 and no current year discount rate is required. Similarly, assumptions regarding payroll and headcount growth are not required this year. More information is available with the modeller here.
Also, following further consultation with USS, the deficit recovery rate included within the model has been revised to 6.2% (from 6.3%) as this was the rate applicable for the period to December 2023.
If you have any queries on the modeller, please contact Peter Fielding.