
Explaining how the loan repayment system actually works

15 May 2019      Matt Sisson, Projects and Membership Manager

We wrote a few months ago about work by MoneySavingExpert and the Russell Group to redesign the SLC student loan statements that are sent out annually to every debtor. This work has now come to fruition, and there’s a launch report accompanied by a demonstration statement to peruse.

The press release explains how the new statement, which was tested on a couple of thousand students:

  • Focuses on repayments to be made, more than the debt.
  • Details how the repayments actually work
  • Explains what contributions are made each month, and over the year
  • Predicts the total cost of higher education

The results are impressive, with 96% of respondents saying the new information is clear, and 91% of students  answering questions that showed they did really understand the more complex information correctly. It seems a small thing, but with a lack of understanding of the loan repayment system one of the key issues for the sector, improving the clarity of the annual statement could make a big difference. Over to you SLC. 

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