
BUFDG Finance Festival 2025

10th-12th March 2025
Online - Hopin


Recordings and Slides

The 2025 BUFDG Finance Festival was a 3-day online extravaganza of all things HE Finance. We welcomed over 1,600 colleagues, supporters, and speakers for 28 sessions from Monday 10th to Wednesday 12th of March. 

If you have any questions or comments about the event, please email Matt Sisson or Rachel Ward.

Find out about previous conferences


9.30 - 10.30

PLENARY 1 - CIL - State of the HE Nation: The next year in higher education and beyond


11.00 - 12.00

WORKSHOP 1A - King & Shaxson - Optimising Cash Returns in a Falling Interest Rate Environment

WORKSHOP 1B - Newcastle University / A4S - How can finance and accounting support the health of communities and the natural environment?

WORKSHOP 1C - VWV - Floating on Cloud Nine: How to Manage the Financial Risks of Migrating to the Cloud


13.00 - 14.00

WORKSHOP 2A - LGT - From Impact to Action: Finance Teams Leading on Biodiversity

WORKSHOP 2B - Vidett - Managing costs versus providing meaningful pension benefits

WORKSHOP 2C - Jisc - Securing the Future: Jisc’s Role in Education and Navigating Today’s Cyber Threats


14.30 - 15.30

WORKSHOP 3A - KCG / CHEIA - Working in partnership with Internal Audit teams in difficult times

WORKSHOP 3B - Bevan Brittan - The impact of changes to international recruitment of students and sponsor licence compliance on university finances and practical measures to mitigate

WORKSHOP 3C - PwC - Financial improvement through technology and commercialisation



9.30 - 10.30

PLENARY 2 - Loughborough University - Turning Numbers into Action - clear finance communication that will make a difference


11.00 - 12.00

WORKSHOP 4A - UKUPC - Consortia update, and the latest on responsible procurement

WORKSHOP 4B - UMAL - How risk-based decision making can help avoid undesired consequences

WORKSHOP 4C - BUFDG - Tax round-up: UK


13.00 - 14.00

WORKSHOP 5A - KPMG - Preparing for SORP 2026

WORKSHOP 5B - Sempre Analytics - Dragons Den 101 - How to successfully run multiple businesses on campus and off it

WORKSHOP 5C - Cabinet Office - Update on the Transforming Public Procurement programme - Recordings and slides available soon. 


14.30 - 15.30

WORKSHOP 6A - Helen Hammond / Nottingham - Navigating UKRI Funding Assurance: Tips and Tools for Research Finance Teams

WORKSHOP 6B - Lloyds Bank - The time is now. Using Open Banking Technology to transform the way your Finance Team works

WORKSHOP 6C - MHA - Understanding and effectively managing charitable funds



9.30 - 10.30

PLENARY 3 - TPP Recruitment / AICPA and University of Derby - Creating an inclusive culture for recruiting and retaining diverse talent


11.00 - 12.00

WORKSHOP 7A - Account-Ability - Financial forecasting your university – more than just gazing into a crystal ball

WORKSHOP 7B - BUFDG Student Income Collection Management Working Group  - Balancing Pastoral Care and Financial Sustainability

WORKSHOP 7C -  BUFDG - Tax round-up: International


13.00 - 14.00

WORKSHOP 8A - QMPF - Student residences - Funding options and off-balance sheet partnership models for delivery of new accommodation 

WORKSHOP 8B - CUBO - Challenges & Opportunities: The role of CUBO, and how Commercial / Campus and Finance colleagues can work together

WORKSHOP 8C - Buzzacott - Audit and Accounting Update for 2024/25: Ensuring Compliance in a Changing Sector


14.30 - 15.30

PLENARY 4 - HW Fisher - Creating a growth mindset in your organisation


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