23 June 2016 Matt Sisson, Projects and Membership Manager
We have a number of updates to the BUFDG resources. First, there have been a few minor tweaks to the Model Financial Statements. Both the cash flow and the creditors note have been amended to make capital grants clearer. The signs have also been amended in the cash flow as they were the wrong way round and, in the name of greater clarity, the creditors note now shows capital grants as other grants rather than research grants.
Second, one thing missing from the original resources was the conversion tool, which was meant to be included in the training slides but was unfortunately overlooked. We’ve now made this available - admittedly rather late in the process. It is a spreadsheet which moves from current UK GAAP to FRS102 and demonstrates how each of the adjustments impacts the balance sheet, statement of comprehensive income, statement of equity and cash flow.
Please note that the links to the model financial statements, conversion tool, training materials, and other key SORP resources are all available on the dedicated SORP section of the website.